Ishiyama no Yu, an open-air rock bath where you can enjoy the breath of Oga in all four seasons.
The Ishiyama-no-yu bath faces an expansive courtyard where wild flowers bloom in all four seasons, allowing you to fully enjoy the view from the open-air bath that changes with the seasons.
Enjoy seasonal ingredients at two different restaurants with different tastes.
In order to fully enjoy the seasonal ingredients and traditional cooking methods of Oga and Akita, the hotel offers two different dining venues.
View of the four seasons of Oga from the guest rooms with abundant views.
All the rooms face the sea, and on a clear day you can see the natural beauty of Oga, which changes its expression from season to season, as well as the Shirakami Sanchi, a World Natural Heritage site, in the distance.
Oga's Tourism Information
Experience the scenic beauty of nature and the cultural climate of Oga, where Namahage folk customs are rooted.
Oga is dotted with a wide variety of attractions, such as Cape Nyudozaki, Godzilla Rock, Unsho Temple (famous for hydrangea temple), the Namahage Museum (where you can experience the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage Namahage), the Oga Shinzan Folklore Museum, and the Goshado of Akagami Shrine.
13-1, Aza Kusakihara, Yumoto, Kitaura, Oga, Akita 010-0687
Oga Hotel
1.5 hours by train and free shuttle bus from Akita Station
1.2 hours by rental car from Akita Airport
Recommended for hopping hub from Akita to Shirakami area which Gono Resort line can be used.
Recommended plans
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